Judged OUTSTANDING for Early Years, Personal Development and Behaviour and Attitudes (Ofsted May 2024), ......'In the Reception class, children receive an excellent start to their education.'.....'Children are exceptionally well prepared for learning in Year 1.'.....'Pupils develop as mature individuals due to the exemplary provision that they receive to support their personal development.'.....'Pupils’ behaviour during lessons and around school is exemplary.'.....'Pupils are proud of their school mission statement. They aspire ‘not to have more but to be more’ in all that they do. Pupils are happy in school.'.....

St Paul's Catholic Primary School

A Voluntary Academy

Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero

Understanding the world

Today we spent time outside on a field work activity. We were investigating which area of the school grounds had most minibeasts. One group explored the quiet area, one group the playground and one group the field. We had some surprising results in that the quiet area had most minibeasts!

Earth Day 2024

We held a sustainable fashion show to commemorate Earth Day this year.

The children made their outfits using recycled materials and wrote their own commentary for their pieces. 

We celebrated British science week by conducting some colourful experiments! We asked plenty of questions and gave our predictions about what might happen!

We read My Mother's Sari and enjoyed the experience of trying on a sari.

This week we have been learning about different peoples after after reading The Jolly Postman. We have had lots of visitors in to talk about the job they do; a doctor, a librarian, a pilot and a fitness instructor. We had the opportunity to hear about what they do and ask them questions about their job.

We have been learning about how Lunar New Year is celebrated

We have been exploring the world around us with the story 'Here we are' by Oliver Jeffers. We investigated what different materials were made of and explored the vocabulary used to describe these materials.

After reading Whatever Next, we made our own straw rockets. We tested these outside and in the hall to see how far they went. We measured the distances to find out whose flew the furthest!

More ice exploration in the freezing weather!

We explored the winter weather and helped find the quickest ways to melt the ice after Jack frost froze some of our toys!

We have used the thermometer out in the hutch to read the temperature. It got very chilly on one day as it was -6! We found ice on our water tray!

We have been learning about how Christmas is celebrated around the world. We made our own Christingles.

We have listened to the story 'Owl Babies' and been finding out about nocturnal animals

Three children from year 4 have been learning about Diwali in their guided reading group. They came to Willow class and read us a chapter of their book.

This week we have read Little Glow and Shubh Diwali. We learnt about the festival of Diwali and how it is celebrated. We created rangoli patterns and made diva lamps from clay. We decorated these and then lit them.

We loved listening and Discussing our story, Shubh Diwali. We made diva lamps from clay, moulding them with our fingers to the right shape. We will paint and decorate them.

This week we have learnt about Remembrance Sunday and why people wear poppies. We created a class poppy wreath and transient art poppies.

We have created shields like the ones in our story this week, ‘The knight who said no!’ . Our shields depict our favourite colour, animal, our initials and house group.

Our book this week has been, ‘TheKnight who said No!’ We have been noticing differences between the houses we live in and the castle that Ned lived in. We have created castles in our play!

We made clay hedgehogs. We paid close attention to the shape of their bodies and noses. We used different techniques to make the spike, some used their fingers to pinch the spikes others decided to use a tool to help create them.

We discussed how some animals hibernate in the winter. We collected leaves and twigs suitable to make a den to hibernate in for our woodland cuddly toys! Some children stuck their leaves to paper to depict animal homes!

We read ‘The very Helpful Hedgehog’ this week. In it Isaac the hedgehog offers his friend a variety of apples. We had a taste test of 2 different types of apple and the voted for which we liked best!

We read the story 'Pumpkin Soup'. We explored our pumpkins and discovered where the seeds are and helped scoop out the pumpkins and make our own pumpkin soup.

We read the story Storm. We made kites and flew them, just like in the story!

We really enjoyed watching the experiments in the science assembly

The CCSO's visited and shared some tips on how to keep safe on Bonfire night

We read the story 'Coming to England' and talked about Trinidad and looked at where it is. We talked about how we would welcome someone new to our class.

Our welly walk took us on an Autumn walk looking at the changes around our school environment. We loved kicking and throwing the crunchy leaves

We read the story 'Peepo' and looked carefully at some household objects. We talked about what they were and how they were used and if we thought they were old or new

Our super six story 'Storm' encouraged us to explore moving like the wind. We then made out own kites to take on an adventure

The CCSOs visited us to tell us about their job and how they help keep our community safe

We can scan the QR codes with the iPad to listen to our favourite stories.
