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St Paul's Catholic Primary School

A Voluntary Academy

Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero

Thursday 4th June

Good morning everyone! I hope all is going well for you this week. smiley Don't worry if it isn't. I'm having a week when a few things aren't going quite right, but we can only do our best. Do what you can and keep smiling!


 Your learning today


Our literacy work is on our 'Everybody week 8' page; just click on the link below, your maths work is on this page just below! Our curriculum topic work, for the afternoons, is on our 'Topic page' if you have the time. I also include the link below. 

Our literacy link




Today's lesson focuses on describing turns again. Now you understand some turns you are going to learn how there is more than one way of describing turns. Use the PowerPoint presentation lesson 3 and discuss the following questions:
Which way has the object been turned?
How would you describe the turn made?
Is there more than one way to describe the turns?

Then complete the worksheet in your Home Learning pack called 'Describing turns'.


Our topic link page

