St Paul's Catholic Primary School
A Voluntary Academy
Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero
Good morning Willow class! We hope you had a lovely weekend. Firstly well done to you all for a fantastic week last week! Mrs Ricketts and I were really impresses with all your super work! We also loved seeing you all on our zoom session on Friday and look forward to seeing you all again this week! It was wonderful awarding our first 'star of the week' and also being able to award so many 'star emoji's' last week and we hope to award even more this week!
Today's phonics videos are once again on the link below, please follow these lessons:
Set 1 speed sounds lesson - today's sound is 't'
Set 1 word time
Set 1 spellings
If your child knows all the set 1 sounds please follow the set 2 speed sounds lesson - today's sound is 'oo'
If your child is accessing the set 2 speed sound lessons they can also join in with the set 2 spelling lesson.
Follow the link below and the new lessons will appear from 9.30am and are available for 24hours so can be accessed at any time of the day.
Today we are going to have a second read of the books we read on Friday so follow the links below to read the sound blending book or ditty story. As a reminder this second read is to build confidence and fluency but don't worry if your child still needs help sounding out any of the words. Our class login for oxford owl is on Tapestry, but if you need any support please get in touch.
It is really important to keep our super letter formation going so today I would like you to have a go at practising your letters you can do this by writing your name, writing the names of your family, practising letter formation. The links below have the Read, Write Inc letter sheet for today's sound 't' to practise and there is another sheet with all the set 1 sounds on. You don't have to print these out though you can just ask a grown up to write the letter sound on a piece of paper and you can copy it. There is a sheet with the Read write inc rhymes on that we say as we write the letters to help when forming the letters.
Today's session is session 5 on the video link below. There is an actvity sheet below to have a go at as well.
Please watch the video first and the complete the sheet. The questions get progressively tricky. The expectation is that the activity should take 30 minutes so wherever you are up to by this point, stop. If you wish to come back to it later on in the day you can! You can use items to help you count that you have in your house eg pencils, pasta or teddies!
Topic activities
Please click on the link below to take you to the topic activities page where you will find a variety of activities linked to our topic 'Jambo' This page is designed for you to select activities throughout the week as your time allows. Please check the page each day as we will add new activities throughout the week. Today we have a lovely story for you to watch and enjoy called 'Handa's Surprise.' We also have the link to PE with Joe which has started again today if you fancy getting active!