St Paul's Catholic Primary School
A Voluntary Academy
Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero
Our learning today is as follows...
Literacy - Designing a poster to advertise 'The Great Round The World Balloon Race.'
Yesterday we started our new story 'The Great Round The World Balloon Race.' We took on the role of authors and wrote our own introduction to the story, adding extra detail from the illustrations in the book.
Today we are going to make a poster to advertise the balloon race. The purpose of the poster is to invite other balloonists to enter the race. Below is a copy of the poster displayed in the book. I will then read it to you.
This poster has lots of detail on it, but I think it could do with more colour and illustrations. I therefore think that our Galileo artists can do an even better job of making an eye catching poster. These are the key points you will need to include;
1)The name of the competition;
The Great Round The World Balloon Race
2) That you invite all balloonists to enter, but you might like to warn them of the dangers...or what they will need to bring.
3) Name or illustrate one or two of the places they will fly over and make these sound exciting...for example... See the wonders of the rainforest, fly over magnificent mountains.
4)Is there a prize? A cash prize? £100? Gold, silver and bronze medals? You decide.
5)What illustrations can you include to make it look exciting and eye catching?
I can’t wait to see you designs. Today is the final day to win Mr Benn/ Traction Man raffle tickets so do send your work to our email;
you will have until 12.00 tomorrow to send us your work and then I will do a ‘live raffle draw’ at 3.00pm.
Our Papier-Mache hot air balloons
Our creative task today ( or for over the bank holiday weekend if you fancy) is to continue with our hot air balloon project. I will include the PowerPoint again below and you also have this ‘help sheet’ in your new packs.