Judged OUTSTANDING for Early Years, Personal Development and Behaviour and Attitudes (Ofsted May 2024), ......'In the Reception class, children receive an excellent start to their education.'.....'Children are exceptionally well prepared for learning in Year 1.'.....'Pupils develop as mature individuals due to the exemplary provision that they receive to support their personal development.'.....'Pupils’ behaviour during lessons and around school is exemplary.'.....'Pupils are proud of their school mission statement. They aspire ‘not to have more but to be more’ in all that they do. Pupils are happy in school.'.....

St Paul's Catholic Primary School

A Voluntary Academy

Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero

Friday 17th July

Good morning everyone and welcome to our final day of this school year... and what a year it has been. I doubt we shall ever forget it! A huge well done for getting to this point and for sticking with it! The last week of term is usually one where we wind down a little and so I would like today to be one to celebrate your achievements by giving yourself time to reflect, relax and look forward to your holidays. You have worked incredibly hard and certainly deserve it!smiley


To kickstart our last day, Mrs Smith has now compiled our St. Paul's has Got Talent show together and so sit back, relax and enjoy the short show...just click on the link below.

Secondly, if you didn't get chance to see or join in with the Wednesday Word this week, it was quite an emotional one. Our word was 'Growing' and so we celebrated how much our Year 6 children have grown over the years. Click below to watch and use this as our prayer time today to celebrate how much you too have grown over the past year.heart I watched it live with our Year 1 children and I enjoyed it so much that I'm going to watch it again!
Today's task...

I will be doing my video message a little later on today and will also record a message from your year 1 friends in class. My challenge this morning is to either record a little message to your friends on video to send to me to post on this page later or to write out a message which you could photograph and send to me. Your message could simply be ‘Happy Holiday’ good wishes and maybe a sentence about what you are looking forward to doing. 
Alternatively, you could make a model or picture of something that reflects some of our learning this year. For example, a model of a famous London landmark, a picture of Mr Benn, a demonstration of your Joe Wicks or gymnastic skills. Anything you can think of! Take a photo or video these and please send them to our email address which is at the bottom of this page. 

Your Maths learning today will be on 'My Maths'

Our afternoon Curriculum Activities


Catch up on anything you've not managed to do that you would have liked to do. Yesterday afternoon the Year 1 children in school completed their Vincent Van Gogh Sunflower pictures and they have done a fabulous job. As part of our 'celebration day' I will post photos of them later this afternoon.


Music is a great mood booster and it would usually be Music  Festival time where people come together to dance and sing to their favourite pop stars! So this afternoon I am bringing my music system into class and the Year 1 children will be 'performing.' I'm also hoping to persuade Mrs Tildsley and Mrs Tempest to have a go! Sadly, I will be behind the camera so you won't hear me!!! laugh


I would love it if you would like to take on the 'Festival' theme. Put on a favourite outfit and dance, sing and have fun listening to your favourite music. If you would be brave enough to let mum or dad do a short video to send to me at;


I will upload them onto our class page later today so we can see one another and pass on a smile!smiley


I will also post any messages on too. It will be around 4pm this afternoon... if I have some to share!!!


Most importantly of all, THANK  YOU for all of your hard work. Mrs Rogers and I and all of the Galileo Team are so proud of you all. Have a wonderful summer and I will greatly look forward to welcoming you all back to school in September. If you have any worries do contact us. We won't be on the emails every day but I will keep checking! With lots of love and a big hug each,

Mrs Davies and Mrs Rogers xxx


Our Happy Holiday Messages




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Messages from your friends

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As promised here is our art work...

Did you do some festival singing? Here are part of the Galileo Choir...




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I am taking Luca home now and so will upload any videos from our home learners later on. Do check back on this page for more surprises; later on or tomorrow, smiley

More videos on their way...Saturday morning update...


Thank you so much for all of the videos and photos you have sent. I’m in the process of adding them all on to this page. Check back in this afternoon and they should be here! yes I bet you feel like you’ve been at a pop concert watching the amazing singing and dance moves above! smileyheart

Enjoy these messages from more of your friends. Thank you to you all for sending these in.heart



Let's start with Xavier who has carried on with our festival theme. Look at his amazing dance moves!

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And here's Evie with a special message from her garden...

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Thank you to Madison for her very kind message to you all...

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Eben has created a beautiful Van Gogh 'Sunflowers' painting and also has written a message for you all. Thank you Eben!

Could you do with a change from Joe Wicks? I am going to be working on Sam's exercises. Thank you for your wonderful routine.

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Thank you to Luca too who has created a collage of wonderful photos from his home school time. He has also shared his favourite memories with you..

Thank you so much to you all for these. smiley I am going to set up a new page on our class page called 'Summer Holidays 2020'. If you would like to send any photos, pictures or videos of what you get up to please just send them to our usual e -mail.


I am returning to Chester Zoo for the first time since it closed on Tuesday so I will post some pictures to bring back memories of our school trip! My challenge will be 'Name the animals.'


I will check our emails as regularly as I can and will post pictures when I spot they have come in! I'm also very excited for my trip to Cornwall next weekend. I will post some photos of that too! smileyheart Take care everyone!
