Judged OUTSTANDING for Early Years, Personal Development and Behaviour and Attitudes (Ofsted May 2024), ......'In the Reception class, children receive an excellent start to their education.'.....'Children are exceptionally well prepared for learning in Year 1.'.....'Pupils develop as mature individuals due to the exemplary provision that they receive to support their personal development.'.....'Pupils’ behaviour during lessons and around school is exemplary.'.....'Pupils are proud of their school mission statement. They aspire ‘not to have more but to be more’ in all that they do. Pupils are happy in school.'.....

St Paul's Catholic Primary School

A Voluntary Academy

Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero


Good morning everyone and welcome to our Friday learning activities. smiley

Well done and thank you for all of your hard work this week. Mrs Rogers and I have loved seeing all of your work. I've just had a little peek and I can see there are some exciting emails waiting for me. I will be replying to them shortly! I was in school this afternoon and it is Francesca's 15th birthday today so I am very late starting this page tonight. Will I get it done before the morning? YES I WILL!laugh


I've just had a look at the weather forecast and there is a strong possibility of snow tomorrow so I'm going with a wintry/ snowy theme for tomorrow!


What are we learning today?


  •  Grammar work - when to use a full stop and when to use a question mark.
  • RE linked - writng our 'Big Question.'
  • Speed Sounds with Rosie
  • Maths - making our own version of a traditional game; snakes and ladders.
  • PE - hopefully in the snow
  • Wintry Art
The children in class yesterday were asking me if we could sing this. As we bring our Christmas themed Religion topic to a close, children at home - you can brighten your family's day by singing it to them. Children in school you can do some super star actions. We will offer our song as our morning prayer.

Love Shone Down by Boyce & Stanley // LYRIC VIDEO

As we finish our Christmas themed RE theme today, brighten your homes by joining in one of our favourite songs...

Our sentence work - when do we need question mark and when do we need a full stop?

Work your way through the powerpoint to learn/ remind yourself when each should be used.

Put your learning to the test with these questions. You can choose from a one star or three star challenge. I think the three star should actually be a 2!

My 'Big Question' linked to our Mary our Mother and Christmas Religion work.

My introduction part 1

Still image for this video

My explanation part 2

Still image for this video

Join Rosie for her speed sounds lessons after 9.30


Follow the link below. Today's sounds are;

Set 2 - ow

Set 3 - i-e

The reading of longer words video will focus on igh/ i-e



Our Maths Learning Today


Let's warm ourselves up with a mathletic workout! If your mums or dads are missing the gymns being open invite them to join in!winkheart

Let's Get Fit | Count to 100 | 2020 Version | Jack Hartmann

Teach your children to count to 100 as they get some great exercise too in Jack Hartmann's Let's Get Fit song. This cool kid-friendly song starts out with a ...

A fun challenge today!


Snakes and ladders is a toy that has been around for a long time in some form or other. It has been especially popular for around the last 70 years and so is game your grandparents probably played.


You have to roll the dice and move your counter up the square all the way up to 100. There is good news if you land at the bottom of a ladder; you can go up it. BUT if you lnd on the head of a snake you have to slide down to the bottom of the snake.


Use your knowledge of counting to 100 to help you to create your own board on the blank number square. I enclose an example of a board below which you can use to help fill in your number square to 100. It also includes the net of a dice you can use to make your own. 

Example of snakes and ladders board. You can use this if you are unsure about making your own. (Year 1's)

Below is a blank number grid that will go up to 100. Fill in your numbers; looking carefully at the example so your numbers follow in the correct direction. You do have a choice on whether you lay your board out like a normal number square (see above) or the example below has the numbers following directly on so you go from left to right or from right to left. 
You then need to decide how long or short your ladders and snakes will be. Look how long some of these are! 
Add your snakes and ladders, use a dice you have or use the net below and then see if a brother or sister, mum or dad would like to play a game with you. Good luck! I would love to see your board games if you could send me a photo! 

My Maths homework will be set too. 

 If anyone needs a reminder of your log in just email us at

Follow the link below to log on to My Maths.


Our afternoon activities


 On Friday afternoons we  usually have our outdoor PE session with Dan, so I'm going to encourage you to get outdoors for a walk, scooter or bike ride. If you have any snow enjoy playing in it! 

Alternatively, Joe Wicks will be returning next week with his exercise classes. Until then here is a workout from our last home school time!smiley

PE With Joe | Monday 18th May

GET YOUR OWN LIMITED EDITION PE WITH JOE T-SHIRT 😀 SOME SIZES BACK IN STOCK!!!**Limited edition PE With Joe T-Shirts Now Available here:

A Wintry Art Picture


I've put this in as an added extra. If you are inspired by the cold, crisp (possibly snowy) weather, then you can follow this video to create a beautiful picture.

You will need;

  • Some masking tape (ask mum or dad)
  • Water colours (pencils or poster paint will be ok too)
  • A small amount of salt

Snowy Winter Birch Trees Art Lesson For Kids

Learn how to create your own snowy winter birch scene. We use watercolour paints and two other fun materials - masking tape and salt, to make this beautiful ...

Enjoy your day, well done for all of your hard work this week. Do share your work. I'd love to see your art work if any of you attempt the above. heart
