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St Paul's Catholic Primary School

A Voluntary Academy

Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero

Wednesday 29th April

Good morning Year 1's. I hope today finds you safe and well and that you have had a good week so far. Please could you look on our 'Everybody week 4' page for all activities apart from your maths which is below. 

Today's Maths Learning


 Today we continue to look at making arrays to use repeated addition. Today we will recognise, count and add arrays in rows and then create the pictorial part to match the repeated addition sentences.


Please start from Lesson 2 on our powerpoint

Year 1 powerpoint ... Lesson 2 today please

Your follow up worksheets today are in your pack and will be titled 'Make Arrays'. The chilli challenge levels are included below if you would like to try a higher star challenge than the one in your pack. 

Lesson 2 chilli challenge worksheets. The one star worksheets will be in your pack, headed, 'Make Arrays.'
