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St Paul's Catholic Primary School

A Voluntary Academy

Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero

Friday 5th February

Good morning Willow class. Well done on another week of home learning, you have all been super! At the bottom of the page is our last feelings video for this week, we hope that you have enjoyed these. Remember, it will be our class zoom this afternoon, we are looking forward to seeing everyone.

Good morning

Still image for this video

Our positive thought for the day;


Please click below to follow today's phonics lessons

Set 1 speed sounds - today's sound is z

Set 1 word time

Set 1 spellings


Set 2 speed sounds - today's sound is oy

Set 2 spellings


If you have completed Set 2 sounds please follow the Red words 1 lesson and hold a sentence 1 lesson. 


Today we have new stories to read. Either read the ditty sheet '14 I can' or Red ditty story book 2 story 2 'Grrr'. To access the books click on the links below. There were a few problems on Tuesday with the oxford owl website due to so many people accessing it so the links were struggling if this happens you can still access these books by using the class login to sign and selecting from the

e books section of the site.

Reception maths

Today we are continuing to combine 2 groups. Watch the video and then have a go at the activity.

Year 1 maths

Today you are representing numbers to 50. Watch the video and complete the sheet.

Afternoon topic activities

Here is the link for the afternoon activities.

