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St Paul's Catholic Primary School

A Voluntary Academy

Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero

Thursday 11th June

Good morning all! My main messages are on your Year 1 and Year 2 pages today, as is your maths and topic work link. Our literacy work is explained below...


Our literacy writing work - continuing with our biographies about Jacques Cousteau...

You task explained...

Still image for this video

I enclose pictures from the books we have read below which will remind you of some of the facts and also help you with your pictures.



  • To use capital letters and full stops to punctuate your sentences.
  • Extend your sentences using the conjunctions we spoke about yesterday.
  • Use capital letters for the names of people, places and names. 
  • Year 2- proof read your work to check it makes sense and that you have done the above.
  • Make interesting word choices... use technical words such as ‘aqua lung’ but also adjectives to describe things. 
  • Good luck and enjoy! 