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St Paul's Catholic Primary School

A Voluntary Academy

Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero

Friday 24th April

Friday routines!

Complete a 192 challenge sheet and a spelling test. Don't forget to send my your scores! I'd also like to see your reading journal (or a book review if you've done one of those). 


L.O. To identify music 

The Carnival of the Animals is a suite of Music written by Camille Saint-Saens. Each short piece of music is meant to represent a different animal. As you listen to the music, try to identify what animal it is meant to sound like. Write or draw your answers on the sheet below (or create a similar one in your yellow book.) Make sure that you don't watch the video as it plays, as it tells you the answers! When you have guessed each one, you can play it again and see if you were right! My favourite piece of music is number 12. Which piece is your favourite?  


L.O. To create a collage of an animal.

To continue with our theme of animals, we are going to create a collage of an animal. You can use anything that you can find: coloured paper, fabric, cuttings from magazines, leaves, etc. Here are a few examples to inspire you. I'm looking forward to seeing your masterpieces! 
