To read our newsletters, click on the noticeboard..................Prospective Parents/Carers, see Home>Key Information>Prospective Parents for a Visual Presentation............... Our children continue to enjoy fabulous experiences in our very own Forest School!........The School Council is busy working hard to promote children's views.......

St Paul's Catholic Primary School

A Voluntary Academy

Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero

British Values

Today we learnt a little about democracy and voted for the book we would like to hear at story time. The Snail and the Whale won the vote!

This afternoon we listened to speeches from the year 6 who were wishing to be voted onto the school council. The children listened to their speeches and then voted for the person that they felt would be the best candidate.

We have been welcoming our new reception children into our class and school.

We have been learning how special and unique we all are and to celebrate our differences.

