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St Paul's Catholic Primary School

A Voluntary Academy

Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero

Friday 26th June

Friday Routines

Complete a 192 challenge. If you need more sheets, the document is on the Keller page in the folder called Daily Routines, General Resources and Links.

Don't forget to do a spelling test and your reading journal too. 

Please send me all your scores too! I am still keeping track. Dojo points available for improved scores!

forget forgetting forgot forgotten
begin beginning beginner garden
gardening gardener limit limited
prefer preferred group guide
heard heart height history
imagine increase important  


L.O. To sing!

I thought we'd have a change this week. Have a good sing along with David Lawrence from Young Voices in the video below. There are a few fun warm ups and a song which will be familiar to lots of you. 

Young Voices at Home


L.O. To create an Aboriginal style of art

As we've been learning about Australia, I though it would be nice to create some traditional style Australian art. You can watch the video to find out about the style of art and you can either copy exactly to create a turtle, or be inspired and make your own picture in a similar dot art style. 

Australian Aboriginal Art
