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St Paul's Catholic Primary School

A Voluntary Academy

Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero


Tell Me A Dragon


Our dragon project based on the book, ‘Tell Me A Dragon’ began with us constructing ideas for our individual plans. We focused on using adjectives and Year 2 even looked at the use of similes in the author’s descriptions.

We then applied these ideas onto our own dragon description plans.  Following our plans we then became illustrators and painted what our imaginary dragons would look like. 

We then drafted our descriptions before writing them in our best writing ready to go on display! You will find a copy of my description in my literacy book. 

Here are some of our finished pieces...

Mr Benn Red Knight


We then read a story from a series Mrs Davies used to read and watch on television a long time ago; Mr Benn by David McKee. We wrote our own endings for the story and then shared our ideas and adjectives we would use to describe the appearance, behaviour, likes and dislikes of Mr. Benn. We enjoyed reading several more of his adventures too! 

Here are our finished results; behind the picture of a suited Mr Benn!

St. George and the Legend of Dragons


We read the story of St. George and the dragon and discussed how both this and other myths and legends about dragons have never been proven to be true; in fact paleontologists have found no evidence at all that dragons have ever existed. We were presented with true and false facts about dragons which we had to discuss and group into the correct columns. We then used these to create and write about our own ‘Window into the World of Dragons.’

Gripping yarns shared stories with us about expressing our feelings

Working in pairs to sequence the story of Zog. Our Zog group were also challenged to match the sentences to each picture.
