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St Paul's Catholic Primary School

A Voluntary Academy

Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero

Thursday 21st May

Good morning lovely Year 2's. Wasn't it very warm yesterday? A day for paddling pools! I hope you enjoyed some time in the sun and are feeling bright this morning. smiley


Our literacy learning is on our 'Everybody Week 7' page; just follow the link below to get there! Your maths learning is just below that...

Our Maths Learning Today


Today we will continue our work on position and movement and  will draw arrows to show the movements from the descriptions given. We need to remember that objects will move up and down and living things will move forwards and backwards.

Ask questions such as:
Which way is the object facing?
Draw how the object has moved using arrows.
Record the movements made using the descriptions.
How would the arrow look if the object moved __




The 2 star chilli challenge for this activity is included in your 'Week beginning 18th May'pack, under the heading  'Recording Movement'which you may have collected from school last week. These are included in the selection below if you would prefer a different level challenge. Good luck and enjoy.smiley