To read our newsletters, click on the noticeboard..................Prospective Parents/Carers, see Home>Key Information>Prospective Parents for a Visual Presentation............... Our children continue to enjoy fabulous experiences in our very own Forest School!........The School Council is busy working hard to promote children's views.......

St Paul's Catholic Primary School

A Voluntary Academy

Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero

Expressive arts and design

This week we used the resources to make printed bunting for the coronation.

The children have enjoyed the garden centre role play area outside. Lovely imaginative play based on their experiences.

We love imaginary play in Willow Class. Our doctors surgery role area has prompted lovely interactions and great discussions.

Easter crown making and egg painting in our play today!

We printed our African patterns onto tote bags to give as part of our Mother’s Day celebrations.

WE have looked at African patterns and recreated them using a variety of resources.

Observational art. Looking closely at the daffodils and painting carefully 🌼

Collaborative art!

We have studied the works of Kenyan artist Martin Bulinya. We used sponges to create a background and added paper cut outs to create the people. We added the head, legs and arms using black marker pens. They look great on display!

We have been finds no the pulse in a variety of different styles of music. Today we enjoyed performing finder no the pulse with body movements

Creating party crowns for our Christmas party lunch!

Using the tools in the play dough workshop to create. Each week our play dough is different scents and colours, great for promoting discussions!

We created poppy art on Remembrance Day using a variety of materials.

Using the resources to 'put on a show'.

Creating using the paints. Lovely to hear discussions about colour mixing and what they were painting as they they created.

Imaginative play in our hutch and in the ‘school’ role play area.

Using different techniques to create firework pictures.

More colour mixing practise. We loved seeing how the different quantities of paint made different colours!

This group of children have been busy using the resources in their imaginative play.

We have been learning how to colour mix this week. We foundwe could make new colours by mixing 2 colours together!

Using our outdoor resources to create imaginative role play.

Using the stage area and the dressing up costumes to perform for our friends.

We created leaf people puppets from leaves we had found outside.
