To read our newsletters, click on the noticeboard..................Prospective Parents/Carers, see Home>Key Information>Prospective Parents for a Visual Presentation............... Our children continue to enjoy fabulous experiences in our very own Forest School!........The School Council is busy working hard to promote children's views.......

St Paul's Catholic Primary School

A Voluntary Academy

Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero


Year 3

Non Newtonian Fluids

Non Newtonian Fluids

Still image for this video

Non Newtonian Fluids

Still image for this video

Non Newtonian Fluids

Still image for this video

Year 4

Newton's 3rd Law of Motion

Still image for this video
For every action there is a reaction

Testing Balloon Rockets

Still image for this video

Custard Bouncy Balls!

Bouncing custard balls!

Still image for this video

Year 5

Learning about Newton's 3rd Law of Motion using balloon rockets!

Still image for this video

Making Custard Bouncy Balls!

Testing custard bouncy balls!

Still image for this video

Making ice-cream!

Investigating non-Newtonian Fluids

Year 6

Making Custard Bouncy Balls!

Investigating Non-Newtonian Fluids

Investigating tensional, compressional and shear stress on rocks using soap!

Investigating Newton's 3rd Law of Motion

Investigating the impact of salt on the freezing point of water by making ice-cream!

Investigating fingerprints

Testing teabags!

Making music!
