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St Paul's Catholic Primary School

A Voluntary Academy

Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero

Friday 22nd May

Friday morning routines!

Normal Friday today  :   complete a  192 challenge,  a spelling test and make sure that you reading journal is up to date. I'd love to see your scores, so please get them into me, this morning if possible. 

The spellings that you should be doing are:

young touch double trouble
country tough accept except
break brake knot not
plane plain    
experience experiment extreme famous
favourite February forwards fruit


L.O. To sing!

This is the 2nd part of the rehearsal for the big sing on 2nd June.  This time, it's lead by the leader of America Young Voices!   Has anyone taken part in the #powerinme challenge?

Power in Me Rehearsal 19th May


L.O. To create a symmetrical animal  picture

We'll finish off the half term  combining art and maths!  Watch the video to show you how to paint a symmetrical butterfly. If you don't have paints, you can use your knowledge of symmetry to draw or colour your own symmetrical  pattern. Maybe you could try a different animal too! Don't forget to share your work! I need more pictures!

Butterfly Symmetry Paintings
