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St Paul's Catholic Primary School

A Voluntary Academy

Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero

Tuesday 19th October


Thinking about the class novel text you read yesterday, choose another reading activity card.

  1. Still thinking about the text, use an atlas to label the places Michael's family travelled
  2. Plot the journey on the map. 
  3. Can you work out when they arrived and left each place?

Maths Lesson 2

LO: To multiply 4 digit numbers by 2 digit numbers

  1. Click on the PowerPoint and work through the example questions.
  2. Try to set our your work like you would at school.
  3. Have a go at the questions on the sheet of your choice.
  4. Mark your work.

Times Tables Games


To identify arguments for and against deforestation

  1. The lesson PowerPoint below contains instructions, information, video links and questions to answer, all about deforestation.
  2. Work your way through the lesson, making notes and answering questions when asked.


Use the video link for a Gamelan music lesson
